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Reporting Conference of the Russian Paralympic Committee held in Khanty-Mansiysk

19 March 2024

On 19 March, the regular reporting conference of the Russian Paralympic Committee was held in Khanty-Mansiysk.

The Conference was attended by 78 delegates from 49 regions of the Russian Federation.

During the first question on the agenda, the President of the Russian Paralympic Committee Pavel Rozhkov spoke about the work carried out by the Russian Paralympic Committee to implement the priority areas of activity for the period from April 2022 to March 2024:

1. Raising public awareness of the Paralympic Movement, Paralympic sport and Paralympic values. Active participation in creating conditions for the development of children's and youth sport for persons with disabilities.

2. Implementation of a set of measures to improve the educational level of coaches and specialists in Paralympic sport.

3. Strengthening sports cooperation with all international organisations ready to interact. Return of Russian Paralympic sport to the international sports movement.

4. Creating conditions for disabled athletes to achieve high sportsmanship. Preparation and honourable participation in the Paralympic Games.


The decisions considered during the Conference on these issues were unanimously supported by the delegates.

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