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In the Paralympic Village, the grand celebration of the first Russian winners took place

01 March 1970
In the Paralympic Village today, was grand celebration of the first Russian medal winners of the XIV London Paralympic Summer Games was held. {nl}{nl}Gold medalist, swimmers; Oxana Savchenko and Sergei Punko, silver medalist- power lifter Vladimir Balynets, and bronze medal winner in judo Victoria Potapova.{nl}{nl}Chief of Mission of the Russian National Team at the XIV London Summer Paralympic Games, Pavel Rozhkov, handed flowers and commemorative cups to the winners.{nl}Lydia Abramova , the President of the Russian Sports Federation for the Blind, the President of the Russian Federation of Sports for Persons with Physical Impairment , Lev Seleznev, and the Secretary General of the Russian Paralympic Committee, Russian State Duma Deputy, Paralympic Champion, Honored Master of Sports Mikhail Terentiev , also joined in congratulations of the winners.

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