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27 November 2022
The Russian Government and the Ministry of Sports supported the idea to organize on a regular basis the Games for Para Athletes "We are together. Sport", noted Pavel Rozhkov

MOSCOW, November 27. /TASS/. Pavel Rozhkov, President of Russian Paralympic Committee (RPC) discussed with the Governor of Khanty-Mansiisk Autonomous Region Natalia Komarova the possibility to organize the second Winter Games for Para Athletes "We are together. Sports". This was reported to TASS on Sunday by the press service of the RPC.

On November 26 in Khanty-Mansiisk there was held the honoring of the Ugra athletes - participants of Summer Games for Para Athletes "We are together. Sport" in Sochi. The Summer Games for Para Athletes were held from October 2 till October 9. More than 100 athletes from Belorussia, Armenia, Germany, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Mali, Serbia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Eritrea and 78 Russian regions took part in these games.

"On November 26 in Khanty-Mansiisk during the solemn meeting of the governor of Ugra Natalia Komarova with the participants of Summer Games for Para Athletes "We are together. Sport", Pavel Rozhkov, President of the Russian Paralympic Committee discussed with the governor the possibility of holding the second Winter Games for Para Athletes in Khanty-Mansiysk", - as stated in the press service of the RPC.

"The Russian government and the Ministry of Sports of Russia supported the idea of holding on a regular basis the Games for Para Athletes "We are together. Sport." The nearest winter starts are planned in the sports season 2023-2024. The Russian Paralympic Committee will be very thankful to Ugra, if Khanty-Mansiysk will become the venue of the competitions again. Everything that starts in Ugra, later on becomes successful", - RPC press service quotes Rozhkov's comment.

The first Winter Games for Para Athletes "We are together. Sport" were held in Khanty-Mansiisk on the 18th-21st of March 2022. The purpose of the Games was to support the Russian national team, withdrawn from the Paralympics in Beijing. Khanty-Mansiisk hosted about four hundred competitors. Athletes from Russia, Belarus, Tajikistan, Armenia and Kazakhstan competed in nordic skiing, biathlon, sledge hockey, alpine skiing, snowboard and wheelchair curling.

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