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On the Eve of the New year pupils of correctional schools in Kirov visited the Paralympic Sports Museum and met with RPC Executives

27 December 2022
On 27 December, on the eve of the New Year, the Russian Paralympic Committee visited the Paralympic Sports Museum and met with leaders of the Russian Paralympic Committee.

Meetings with children of remedial schools in the walls of the Russian Paralympic Committee with a visit to the Museum are held regularly.

The President of the Russian Paralympic Committee Pavel Rozhkov, the Vice-President of the Russian Paralympic Committee, the President of the All-Russian Federation of Sports for the Blind and 3-time champion of the Paralympic Games Olga Semenova and the Vice-President of the Russian Paralympic Committee, the President of the All-Russian CP  Football Federation and Paralympic champion Ivan Potekhin, General Secretary of the All-Russian Federation of Sport for Persons with Disabilities Anna Makhacheva and the Vice-President of the Federation Mikhail Simakin gave the young visitors a tour around the museum and told about the Paralympic sport.

After viewing the exhibits the film about the history of the Paralympic movement and having tea was shown. All the young participants received New Year presents from the Russian Paralympic Committee and the Russian Federation of Sports for Persons with Disabilities.

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