BISFed General Assembly will be held in Portugal next year.
BISFed announced Portugal as the host of the 2019 BISFed General Assembly.
The General Assembly will be held in the city of Povoa, following the end of the Boccia World Open event. Key dates are:
3rd November: Delegate arrival
4th November: General Assembly
5th November: Delegate departure
A detailed agenda will follow in due course, but we will be organising workshops on important topics such as Classification and the Competition Structure after 2020. Members will also have the opportunity to elect a President for the next four years.
BISFed President, David Hadfield said: “BISFed looks forward to hosting the 2019 General Assembly alongside our Portuguese member Federation in the wonderful city of Povoa. Boccia competitions have been held in Povoa for many years, and many Members will be familiar with its charms. We are also most grateful to Brazil and Spain who submitted very interesting bids – it made for a difficult decision.”
António Barata, President of PCAND said: “PCAND, on behalf of the Portuguese Federation of Sports for Disabled People (FPDD), is delighted for Portugal to have been chosen as Host Organizing Country for the BISFed General Assembly, included on the BISFed 2019 World Open – Póvoa de Varzim’s Program. This is, for all of us, the acknowledgement of the commitment and quality of the work that is being developed in Portugal for boccia’s promotion and enhancement as a Paralympic sport as well as a sport for all people.
We equally expect that, with the collaboration of Póvoa de Varzim’s Town Hall, we will be able to create a memorable and pleasurable experience for all the delegates.”Source: